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your pathway out of pain.

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Understanding Your Pain

I’m Carolyn. during my career in osteopathy and energy work, I developed an understanding of what drives persistent pain and how it was possible to reverse the process. 
I realised
 that pain has a message for us and that long-lasting recovery depends on learning to listen to and interpret that message. 
The mindbody approach I now use helps you make sense of your pain and paves the way to long-lasting recovery.

When pain moves in, your life changes in so many ways. And it can change you.

  • sleepless nights leave you feeling ragged and irritable 

  • you lose interest in the things you've always loved 

  • you become snappy and impatient with loved ones or colleagues

  • you feel constantly anxious and on edge

  • you give up hope of ever feeling better

  • pain becomes your default setting​


If you’re struggling with chronic pain or uncontrolled anxiety, I can show you how to unravel the story and find what's blocking your recovery.   



It may have started after an injury, or a big change in your life or a time you were under pressue;

Perhaps it came on gradually or hit you out of the blue;

Maybe the pain or anxiety come and go for no apparent reason; 

Nothing you've tried seems to work for very long;​

Despite all the tests and diagnoses, they can't find anything wrong.


If this is you and you've been searching for an answer for months or years,

maybe it's time to start looking in a new direction.


With a new perspective you can turn the volume down on your pain and anxiety and regain control, confidence and a sense of purpose â€‹â€‹â€‹



Your pain is unique and so is your path to recovery



Whatever your starting point, our work together will lead you to a brighter, pain-free life.


You just have to take the first step.



Book your free enquiry call now to discover how I can help you



Your pain is unique and so is your path to recovery



Whatever your starting point, our work together will lead you to a pain-free life.


You just have to take the first step.


I'm offering a free 30 minute introductory call


Let's have a chat and see how I can help you.





Working With Me


 I will help you with new ideas, techniques and strategies that work for you.



 Free of pain for the first time in years......

"Before working with Carolyn I was immobilised with debilitating anxiety and neck pain. I had no idea grief was the root of the problem. She showed me ways to manage my panic and take responsibility for my reactions. She was there, with compassion and understanding, for my lightbulb moments. Above all she gave me hope. My anxiety dropped from ten to zero. I was free of pain for the first time in years. Months later my anxiety is still at bay. I can't recommend Carolyn highly enough." 

Katie N, Ireland

Snowdrop Flowers
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